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ignou mlis project guide

Get the ultimate guidance on the submission of the IGNOU MLIS Project Report Dissertation and IGNOU MLIS Synopsis for the subject MLIP-2.

The Ultimate Guidance for IGNOU MLIS PROJECT

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IGNOU’S Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS) Program includes six core courses and two electives. In addition to the core theoretical courses, the student must submit the IGNOU MLIS Project work, which is worth 4 credits. The goal of the IGNOU MLIS Project or IGNOU MLIS Dissertation is to provide students the opportunity to use their knowledge gained while writing the IGNOU MLIS Project and to build abilities… Read More »The Ultimate Guidance for IGNOU MLIS PROJECT

IGNOU MLIS Project Format

IGNOU MLIS Project Format Guidelines (MLIP 2)

IGNOU MLIS Project Format –As the majority of IGNOU MLIS students work proficiently in this way, they require time and guidance from time to time to complete their IGNOU MLIS Project Dissertations, Synopsis, and Report for IGNOU MLIS programmes, which is why we here provide IGNOU MLIS Project Format Guidelines. This course has a maximum duration of four years and a minimum duration of one year. We also provides IGNOU… Read More »IGNOU MLIS Project Format Guidelines (MLIP 2)

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