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IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Guidelines (MVPP 1)

IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Guidelines (MVPP 1)

IGNOU PGDFSQM Project (MVPP-001) is a component of the PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM). The IGNOU PGDFSQM Project work is designed to expose you to the realities and practises of Food Safety and Quality Management at the field (floor) level. The term “project” refers to a sort of action-oriented study that includes planning and design components. It is also a chance for you to critically examine any specific issue or problem that you may have encountered or are now experiencing at your workplace. IGNOU PGDFSQM Project course is regarded as a single course for registration purposes.

Objectives of IGNOU PGDFSQM Project

The goal of the PGDFSQM project is to build student capacities for a complete study of Good Hygienic Practices/HACCP/Quality Management System/Food Safety Management System implementation in a food facility. The goal is also to enable you to undertake inquiry in a methodical manner and to broaden your grasp of the topic.

IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Topics

Students may pursue any of the seven topics included in the PG Diploma Programme in Food Safety and Quality Management. The following major subjects might be studied: a) Good Hygienic Practices/HACCP/Quality Management System/Food Safety Management System b) Training Module Development c) Food Laws & Standards d) Food Product Analysis

The project work might be done in a food manufacturing/processing (organized/unorganized) unit, a hospitality, retail, or a street food unit. The project should not be based on theory or literature. It should be focused on practise.

The following project categories are possible: (a) comprehensive case study (issue formulation, analysis, and suggestions), (b) practise comparison/validation of theory/survey of quality management methods, and (c) field research (empirical study). The project should be hard yet achievable given the available resources and time.

An outline of your project proposal from your end in the form of a synopsis will start a conversation between you and your supervisor, who will subsequently assist you in working on the selected topic and report.

Preparation of IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Synopsis (Proposal)

Formulation of a Proposal: A project synopsis should be written. The objectives and study methods, sample, tools to be utilised, constraints, if any, and future direction for additional research should all be clearly stated in the summary.

a) Topic Identification: The selection of a topic is critical. It should be determined and based on your comprehension of the topic, previous experience in the field, and personal interest. The subject should be discussed with the boss. It should be compatible with your areas of interest and the supervisor’s area of expertise. It is usually preferable to select a microtopic in order to stay focused and complete the project on time and within budget and resources. The theme should be distinct, directed, focused, and realistic.

b) Create a project synopsis: The synopsis should be approximately 500 words long. The synopsis should include: I a clear statement of the project’s topic; ii) a statement of objectives (what you hope to achieve through the project); iii) your hypothesis (if any) on which you plan to base your study; iv) the methodology you plan to use to carry out your study – tools and techniques to be used, if any; and v) population and sample size proposed, if the project involves any fi

The topic statements and hypotheses are inextricably linked. Your hypotheses are based on your current understanding of the issue. Based on the examination of the data you gather, your hypothesis may be proven accurate or altered later. Your hypothesis might potentially take the shape of a few research questions.

When setting goals, it is best to keep them to four or five. Given the current scope of the project and the time available to us, achieving a significant number of targets will be challenging. The goals should be attainable and quantifiable.

Methodology should cover how you intend to gather and analyse information, data, and so on.

You don’t need to be concerned with the long-term repercussions of your endeavour at this point. However, you must describe the basic objective of your project. Implications and conclusions will be expressed in greater detail and concreteness at the completion of your real Project Work.

In addition to the aforementioned phases, your proposal may include relevant literature/studies, as well as a Time/Schedule, which lists the different tasks you must complete in the project, the time required for each activity, and the resources you must devote to them. This timetable will assist you in carrying out your project work in a methodical manner.

c) The submission: IGNOU PGDFSQM project synopsis should be sent to The Programme Coordinator (PGDFSQM), School of Agriculture, Academic Complex, Block-G, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068. The school will assign a Project Synopsis Number and notify the student and the relevant Regional Centre of its approval. Please send a copy of this document to the Regional Centre for record and reference.

Eligibility of IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Supervisor

The following individuals are qualified to serve as supervisors:

i) Staff at the Headquarters (School of Agriculture).

ii) Food Safety & Quality Management Programme Academic Counsellors with appropriate experience

iii) Agriculture teachers with 5 years of post-secondary teaching experience in disciplines such as food processing, food analysis, good agricultural practises, food safety and quality management, and so on. / Professionals with a Masters’ degree in Food technology or allied disciplines and at least 5 years of experience in the relevant field. (In rare instances, a supervisor with a B.E. degree and 5 years of relevant experience may be allowed.)

Submission and Approval of the IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Synopsis

Students should email their project summary and supervisor bio-data (in the case of (ii) and (iii) above, which must be fully signed by the guide) to the Programme Co-coordinator (PGDFSQM), School of Agriculture, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068. Proposals for synopses that do not include a complete and signed bio-data of the supervisor will not be considered for approval. Throughout the year, project synopses can be submitted. The school will provide the original approved summary to the student, and a copy will be sent to the relevant Regional Centre for information and record-keeping purposes.

If the suggested supervisor is not acceptable to the Faculty, the student will be notified, and the student should replace the supervisor and resubmit the request. Since a result, the student will submit a new project proposal with the signature of the new supervisor, as it will be treated as a new submission. Similarly, if a student wishes to change his or her supervisor for whatever reason, he or she must submit the project proposal together with the new supervisor’s signature on a new project proposal proforma, since it would be regarded a new submission.

In the case of academic counsellors, it should be clearly stated which courses he/she is counselling for and since when, as well as the name and code of the study centre to which he/she is affiliated. The University would pay the project supervisor a nominal remuneration of Rs. 650/- for advising the student. (A Remuneration Bill Proforma is attached.)

A supervisor cannot supervise more than six pupils at any given time.

Students should choose supervisors who are active professionals in the relevant field of the chosen topic. Project managers are also recommended to limit their leading initiatives to their primary expertise area.

Approval Communication: Within eight weeks of the proposal’s reception at the School, a formal communication regarding the project’s approval/non-approval will be provided to the student.

Resubmission of Project Proposal: If the proposal is not approved, the student will be informed of the comments/suggestions for reformulating the project. In this scenario, the updated project synopsis should be provided along with the revised project proposal proforma, as well as a copy of the rejected synopsis and project proposal proforma with the evaluator’s remarks and the P.P. No. (Project Proposal Number) assigned by the School of Agriculture.

Preparation of IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Report (MVPP-1)

The following outline might be used to present the Project Report:

i) Introduction: Why did you pick this topic? What is the significance of the subject in terms of food safety and quality management?

ii) Objectives: A clear and specific explanation of what you hope to accomplish with the project.

iii) Review of literature: Previous work in the field should be evaluated for reference.

iv) Research Methodology: This might include:

a) Design: A statement outlining your general strategy.

b) Sampling: How did you choose the precise object, events, or responders for your study?

b) Instruments/Methods: Which instruments, equipment, materials, or techniques did you use to acquire your data?

d) Data Processing and Analysis: What procedures did you use to process and analyse the data that you collected to answer your question?

v) Analyses and Findings: A clear presentation (numerical or graphical as needed) of the analysed data and your interpretations of it.

vi) Recommendations and Action in Real Time: Recommendations/ suggestions and action in real time with those who will carry them out are given.

vii) Conclusions: The insights acquired from this exercise and how they may aid in understanding the idea and supporting the principles and practises of food safety and quality management in general.

viii) Appendices and bibliography

ix) Project Proposal Approved

Report Formulation: The following recommendations may help in Report Formulation.

i) The report’s length may range from 50 to 60 double-spaced written pages, with a maximum word count of 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits). However, a 10% variance on each side is permitted.

ii) Each project report must fully describe the research methods used as well as future research goals.

iii) The project report should additionally include the following information:

a) Proforma and Synopsis of the Approved Project Synopsis (Proposal)

b) Originality certificate signed by both the student and the supervisor

Project Report Submission: A typed copy of the IGNOU PGDFSQM project report must be sent to the Regional Director (RD) of the relevant Regional Centre (RC). As soon as you submit the Project Report, you will be assigned a P.R.No., which will be sent to you. When contacting the relevant Regional Centre about the Project Report, please use this P.R. No. as your reference. Students are also requested to provide a soft copy of the Final Project Report to the Programme Coordinator via email for reference and record purposes. The Project Report can be submitted at any point during the year. Students are reminded that “Project Reports submitted after November 30th to May 31st will be counted for June Term-End and Project Reports submitted after May 31st to November 30th will be counted for December Term-End.”

Viva-Voce: Viva-Voce is required for all PGDFSQM students enrolled in the MVPP-001 course, and the Regional Centre will conduct the viva-voce after evaluating the project report and informing the students.

How to Download IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Proposal Sample Pdf and IGNOU PGDFSQM Project Report Sample Pdf?

To download the Project & Synopsis PDFs, you must click on the following link;


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