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How to Write IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation (MFNP-12)?

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IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation (MFNP-12)

IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation (MFNP-12) is an original, rigorous research project conducted independently by MSc. students enrolled in IGNOU’s Dietetics and Food Service Management Program. It carries eight credits (240 study hours) of credit.

IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation is meant to demonstrate research skills and mastery of dietetics and food service management education’s current practises and theoretical frameworks. It is designed to serve as the field experience for the MSc. (DFSM) degree, preparing students to perform original research in the teaching and learning of nutrition, dietetics, and allied fields.

IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation Manual (MFNP-12)

IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation Manual, which were developed as part of the MFNP-012 course, serve as the guiding guideline for the dissertation process, as well as the format and content of dissertation materials. Students should seek guidance from their programme in charge and dissertation counsellor on any dissertation-related concerns that are not included in the Dissertation Guidelines.

The study you do as part of this course will constitute a major extension from a foundation of strong expertise or knowledge in your emphasis area. The dissertation will significantly enhance knowledge, improve professional practise, or add to your grasp of the subject of study.

Your dissertation should demonstrate that you are capable of undertaking an intellectual and academic work that brings new knowledge to the field of dietetics/nutrition education. The Dissertation demonstrates that you, as a student, are capable of posing an intellectually compelling issue and using scientific inquiry techniques.

You will be asked to perform a variety of tasks as part of your dissertation study. A checklist of the actions that must be completed in the order provided is included for your convenience.

Checklist for IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation (MFNP 12)

1) Consult the Programme Incharge for Dissertation Guide/Counselor Assignment: The initial step is to contact the program’s study centre coordinator. The program’s coordinator must make preparations to offer appropriate counselors/guides to students (on an individual basis) for doing research. Additionally, students may designate a counsellor from the programme study centre or an expert from outside the programme (with appropriate research and topic experience) to assist them with their Thesis/Dissertation.

Consult the program’s in-charge for allocation in such instances. If an expert is considered from outside, the student will make the necessary arrangements to provide the expert’s bio-data to the program’s coordinator, who will verify that the guide’s qualifications, experience, and expertise meet the program’s requirements (a supervisor/guide/counselor must have a Doctoral degree in nutrition, dietetics, health, or a related field). If the supervisor is pursuing a master’s degree, he or she must have relevant research experience for a certain period of time). In the event of uncertainty, the programme incharge may submit the biodata of the external dissertation guide/counselor to the Programme Coordinator at IGNOU headquarters for consultation.

2) Confer with Dissertation Guide/Counselor: Once a dissertation counsellor has been appointed, the student must consult with the counsellor to choose the field of research and particular topic for the dissertation. The student should debate and develop the proposed topic with this guide/advisor.

3) Describe the Research Area and Specific Topic: The student should define the research area and specific topic for the research, as well as the problem or point of interest that will be addressed.

4) Conduct a Literature Review: The student should conduct a literature review on the dissertation topic and confer with the counselor/guide regarding the chosen topic, including the technique of approach and methods for evaluating the results.

5) Prepare and Submit Thesis/Dissertation Proposal: The student should submit a Dissertation proposal to the counsellor by the time specified (along with information to the program’s coordinator). The student will be advised of any necessary modifications prior to the counselor’s final approval.

6) Conduct the Study: Only after getting dissertation approval (from the counsellor) may the student begin developing, conducting, and writing the dissertation.

7) Maintain Consistent Communication with Your Dissertation Counselor/Guide: Share your experiences, report on the data gathered, and notify the counsellor of any difficulties/problems encountered. Discuss data analysis and other pertinent topics. Provide them with copies of your completed chapters for evaluation and criticism.

8) Submit Initial Draft: Submit the initial draught in its entirety to the counsellor for evaluation and comments. Please ensure that your draught is formatted properly and has been thoroughly reviewed for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format. Make the suggested adjustments.

9) Submit the Final Manuscript: Submit the first bound copy of the word processed, printed dissertation to the program’s coordinator for review and approval. Ascertain that you have obtained the appropriate signatures from your counsellor and programme director.

10) External Expert Evaluation: Dissertations will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. The dissertation will be evaluated by an expert and a viva-voce will be conducted (oral defence).

How to Write IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation (MFNP-12)?

Write and format your IGNOU MSCDFSM dissertation report with care. Perhaps the easiest approach to get a sense of how the dissertation should look is to peruse the reports of several dozen previously accepted dissertations. Your programme centre library, as well as other University libraries, may hold these. This is an effective method for examining the organisation and presentation of a whole dissertation.

Apart from the components mentioned before, your report will include some extra information, resources, and material, which is a required component of dissertation papers.

The dissertation report is structured as follows:

As you may have observed, the report comprises front matter in addition to the abstract and introduction. This includes the title page, certifications, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, and figures.

We will now examine these points for inclusion in the report’s front matter.

Title Page

 A sample of what the dissertation’s opening page, or title page, should include. Prepare the paper accordingly.

Authenticity Certificate/Original Work

When submitting your study for assessment, it is critical that you confirm that the material you are presenting is your original work. The goal of this exercise is for you, the researcher, to assume responsibility for defending the report’s content, which you completed under the guidance/supervision of the counselor/program incharge at the programme study centre.

Additionally, the supervisor should certify that the study is unique and was conducted by the researchers under his or her supervision.

The authenticity certificate should include the declaration included in Annexure 4 at the conclusion of the booklet.

Table of Contents Section

The Table of Contents lists the parts and sub-sections contained in your report, as well as the appropriate (beginning) page number, which must be exact. As a guide, refer to the framework provided before each unit in your theoretical course. Additionally, you may see Annexure 5 for a sample of how the table of contents should appear.

Tables and Figures

The report must include a table of contents listing all tables and figures in the order in which they appear, once again with precise page numbers. At the beginning of the report, the list of tables and figures should be formatted as follows. Additionally, ensure that you appropriately number each table and figure. The section in which the table or figure appears is referenced by the number.

If more than one table occurs for a single idea, use an alphabetical suffix to differentiate one table from the others. To illustrate, if three tables are used to classify growth standards, they would be Table 1.2(a), Table 1.2(b), and Table 1.2(c) (c). The same may be said about Figures (i.e. diagrams).

Utilization of Abbreviations

A glossary of abbreviations may be necessary if the report contains shortened words that the readers are unlikely to be acquainted with. Arrange the abbreviations alphabetically.

The abstract and introduction would follow the abbreviations. These and subsequent parts will be presented in the way previously highlighted. The following are some guidelines for preparing the manuscript. Before beginning to write the dissertation report’s paper, carefully review these recommendations.

Preparation of the Manuscript for the IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation

The report should be typed/word processed and printed on A4 paper with a line spacing of one-and-a-half or double. Single-spaced references and appendices are acceptable. Each page in the main report should include a page number at the bottom.

Your report may be double-sided (typed on both sides of the paper) – in this case, pay close attention to the margins. There should be a margin of at least 1.5 inches (4cm) on the left side of the page, and 1.25 inches on the top, right, and bottom (3cm). To help in reading, the right margin should be left justified. The primary text should be 12 point Times New Roman and/or 11 point Arial.

Bold italicise key passages within the text and main section headings.

While colour printing may be utilised for charts, photographs, and other graphics, clarity takes precedence over colour or elaborate graphics.

Once the report is completed, check it for style, spelling, and grammatical errors before submitting it for assessment. Because you are responsible for the finished work’s correctness, you should run it through a spellchecker to identify any typographical or spelling problems. Additionally, you should proofread it. Consider reading your work aloud. Is it logical, is it succinct, is it accurate?

Certainly, these suggestions will assist you in composing an effective paper. Finally, a word on binding manuscripts.

Binding and Distribution of IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation Manuscripts

After the counsellor has accepted the final copy of the manuscript, the student will arrange for the preparation of two bound copies of the dissertation at their own expense. The student will send one copy (duly certified by the student, counsellor, and programme incharge) to the programme study centre for required action.

The second copy is for the student’s personal use. Additionally, if the counsellor so desires, the student may be required to create a third copy.

Download Links for IGNOU MSCDFSM Dissertation Sample Pdf and IGNOU MSCDFSM Synopsis Sample Pdf

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