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How to Write IGNOU MESP 1 Project?

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IGNOU MESP 1 Project

IGNOU MESP 1 Project – An IGNOU MESP 1 Project is a long piece of academic writing based on original research. It’s normally part of an IGNOU Master of Arts (Education) degree. It can be difficult to know where to begin with your IGNOU MESP 1 Project because it is likely the longest piece of writing you’ve ever completed. This article will assist you in determining what you should include and where it should be included. Last but not least, you can also download our IGNOU MESP 1 Project Report.

Deciding on your IGNOU MESP 1 Project’s Structure

Not every study is structured the same way; the format of your research will be determined by your location, discipline, topic, and method.

In the humanities, for example, projects are frequently structured more like a long essay, with chapters grouped around distinct themes or case studies to support a basic thesis.

However, if you’re conducting educational empirical research, your study should normally include all of the following parts. In most situations, each will be a different chapter, but you may combine them at times. In some types of qualitative education, for example, the findings and debate will be weaved together rather than isolated.

Section order can also differ between fields and countries. Some colleges, for example, recommend that the conclusion comes before the discussion. Always review your program’s standards and consult with your supervisor if you’re unsure about how your IGNOU MESP 1 Project should be structured.

Format of IGNOU MESP 1 Project

Title Page

The title of your IGNOU MESP 1 Project, your name, department, institution, degree programme, and submission date all appear on the first page of your document. Your student number, supervisor’s name, and the university’s emblem are sometimes included. Many programmes have specific formatting requirements for the dissertation title page.


The acknowledgements section is usually optional, and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your IGNOU MESP 1 Project. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you.


The abstract is a brief description of your MESP 1 Project, usually between 150 and 300 words in length. When you’ve finished the rest of the dissertation, you should write it at the very end. In a nutshell, make sure to:

  • Declare your research’s key topic and objectives.
  • Describe the techniques you employed.
  • Compile a list of the most important findings.
  • Summarize your findings.

Despite its brief length, the abstract is the first (and sometimes only) element of your dissertation that people will read, so it’s critical that you get it correctly.

Table of Contents

List all of your chapters and subheadings, as well as their page numbers, in the table of contents. The contents page of your dissertation gives the reader an idea of your structure and makes it easier for them to explore the material.

The table of contents should cover all portions of your dissertation, including the appendices. If you utilise heading styles in Word, you can build a table of contents automatically.

List of figures and tables

If you’ve used a lot of tables and figures in your dissertation, make a numbered list of them. Using Word’s Insert Caption tool, you may create this list automatically.

List of abbreviations

If your dissertation has a lot of abbreviations, you can incorporate them in an alphabetized list of abbreviations so that the reader can seek up their meanings quickly.


If you’ve used a lot of highly specialised phrases that your reader won’t understand, you might want to provide a glossary. List the terms alphabetically and provide a brief description or definition for each.


Beginning In the introduction, you establish the topic, purpose, and significance of your dissertation, as well as tell the reader what to expect from the rest of the dissertation. The opening should:

  • Introduce your study topic while also providing background information to help contextualise your work.
  • Define the scope of the investigation and narrow down the topic.
  • Discuss the current status of study on the subject, demonstrating how your work relates to a larger issue or debate.
  • Your study questions and objectives should be stated clearly.
  • Give an overview of the framework of your dissertation.

Everything in the introduction should be easy to understand, interesting, and relevant to your research. The reader should be able to understand the what, why, and how of your research by the end.

Review of Related Literature

You should undertake a literature study before beginning your research to acquire a full overview of the existing academic work on your issue. This translates to:

  • Collecting and evaluating sources (such as books and journal articles) to determine which are the most relevant
  • assessing and analysing each source critically
  • Connecting them (e.g., themes, patterns, conflicts, and gaps) to create a larger argument

You should not only describe existing studies in the dissertation literature review chapter or section, but instead build a logical framework and argument that leads to a clear basis or explanation for your own research. It could, for example, try to demonstrate how your research:

  • Fills a void in the literature
  • Approaches the topic from a novel theoretical or methodological perspective.
  • Proposes a solution to an issue that has yet to be solved.
  • Contributes to a theoretical discussion.
  • With fresh data, it expands and strengthens old knowledge.

The literature review frequently serves as the foundation for a theoretical framework, in which you define and assess the major theories, concepts, and models that your research is framed by. Answer descriptive research questions regarding the relationship between ideas or variables in this area.

Research Methodology

The methodology chapter or section explains how you carried out your study and allows your reader to judge its validity. In general, you should include:

  • The overarching strategy and study design (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, experimental, ethnographic)
  • Your data collection methods (e.g. interviews, surveys, archives)
  • Where, when, and with whom the research was conducted
  • Your data-analysis techniques (e.g. statistical analysis, discourse analysis)
  • You utilised the following tools and materials (e.g. computer programs, lab equipment)
  • A discussion of any difficulties you encountered while doing the study and how you overcome them.
  • An assessment or justification of your procedures

In the methodology section, your goal is to accurately summarise what you did while also persuading the reader that this was the best strategy for answering your research questions or objectives.


After that, you present the findings of your investigation. This section can be organised around sub-questions, hypotheses, or topics.

In certain disciplines, the findings section and the discussion are kept separate, while in others, the two are integrated. In qualitative methodologies such as ethnography, for example, the presentation of data is frequently braided together with debate and interpretation.

In quantitative and experimental research, however, the findings should be presented independently before discussing their significance:

  • Each important finding, including applicable descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations) and inferential statistics, should be stated succinctly (e.g. test statistics, p-values).
  • Briefly explain how the finding connects to the issue or whether the hypothesis was proven correct.
  • Tables and figures should be included if they aid the reader’s understanding of your findings.
  • Report all relevant outcomes, including any that did not match your expectations, that are related to your study questions.
  • Subjective interpretations and speculation are not allowed.

As an appendix, you can offer more data (such as raw numbers, full questionnaires, or interview transcripts).


In the conversation, you’ll dig further into the meaning and consequences of your findings in respect to your research topics. You should discuss if the outcomes fulfilled your expectations and how well they fit into the framework you created in previous chapters in this section.

  • What do the results mean, according to your interpretations?
  • Examine the ramifications: why are the outcomes important?
  • Recognize the limitations: what information can’t the results provide?

Provide explanations if any of the results were unexpected. It’s a good idea to think about different ways to interpret your data. To explain how your findings connect with existing knowledge, the discussion should go back to relevant sources.


The conclusion of your IGNOU MESP 1 Project should succinctly answer the major research question, providing the reader with a clear comprehension of your central point and underlining the value of your research.

The conclusion is a short piece that occurs before the discussion in some academic conventions: you declare your main conclusions first, then discuss and interpret their meaning.

In other cases, though, the conclusion refers to the final chapter of your dissertation, where you wrap up your findings with a final reflection. In addition to recommendations for further research or practise, this form of conclusion is common.

It’s critical to leave the reader with a clear understanding of why your study is significant in this chapter. What new information have you brought to what was previously known?

In a reference list, you must include complete details of all sources that you have mentioned (sometimes also called a works cited list or bibliography). It’s critical to have an uniform citation style. Each style has its own set of rules for how to format your references in the bibliography.

APA and MLA are common citation styles, but your programme may specify which one you should use — double-check the requirements and ask your supervisor if you’re unclear.


Only necessary information that directly helps to addressing your research question should be included in your dissertation. Appendices can be used to include documents that do not fit into the main body of your dissertation (for example, interview transcripts, survey questions, or tables with full figures).

IGNOU MESP 1 Project Editing and Proofreading

The first step toward a well-written dissertation is to ensure that all of the sections are in the correct order. Allow lots of time for proofreading and editing. Mistakes in grammar and improper formatting might detract from the quality of your efforts.

Before focusing on language errors, typos, and inconsistencies, you should prepare to write and revise numerous draughts of your thesis or dissertation. If you want to be sure your dissertation is faultless before submitting it, you might choose to use a professional dissertation editing service.

Checklist for IGNOU MESP 1 Dissertation Submission

  • The dissertation should be typed or word-processed in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm) paper, double spaced on one side, 12 pt.
  • When getting the copies bound, the student should provide a copy of the approved project proposal.
  • The title of the study, the researcher’s name, the enrolment number, the full address, the name of the supervisor/guide, and other pertinent information should be included on the cover and initial pages (please see specimen of cover page at Appendix-V).
  • A declaration from the student that the work is original and has not been submitted to IGNOU or any other university or institution must also be included in his/her dissertation in order to complete the criteria of the Master of Arts (Education) degree.
  • A letter from the supervisor confirming that the Dissertation was completed under his or her supervision and is a genuine and original work.
  • The hard cover page should be used for binding.
  • Dissertation reports should be posted in two copies or delivered in person to: The Regional Director of the respective Regional Centre.
  • The IGNOU dissertation reports will not be returned to the students.

Guidelines for IGNOU MESP 1 Project Work

  • In the second year of the programme, a student will begin dissertation work and submit the dissertation to the Regional Director of the Concerned Regional Centre before the second year Term-end Examination.
  • In any of the necessary courses, specialist areas courses, or any component of education connected to the programme, the student must conduct research on a topic.
  • The student must select a guide from a list of qualified guides and produce a research proposal under his or her supervision. He or she must seek the guide’s approval on the research idea.
  • Submit the IGNOU MESP 1 proposal, along with the completed proforma in Appendix-IX, to the appropriate Regional Director for approval.
  • After receiving approval from an education specialist, the Regional Director will send the plan back to the students.
  • The student will submit two copies of the dissertation to the Regional Director of the Concerned Regional Centre for evaluation after finishing the dissertation work.
  • A viva-voce will be held at the concerned Regional Centre after the dissertation has been evaluated.

Link to Download IGNOU MESP 1 Synopsis/Proposal Pdf

To download the IGNOU MESP Synopsis/Proposal Pdf, you must click on the following link;

IGNOU MESP 1 Synopsis/Proposal Pdf

Link to Download IGNOU MESP 1 Project/Dissertation Pdf

To download the IGNOU MESP 1 Project/Dissertation Pdf, you must click on the following link;

IGNOU MESP 1 Project/Dissertation Pdf


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