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How to carry out the IGNOU CCP Project (CPIP-104)?

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IGNOU CCP Project (CPIP-104)

This IGNOU CCP Project (CPIP-104) “Consumer Protection” programme is offered to individuals with a 10+2 diploma or its equivalent. The objective of IGNOU CCP Project (CPIP-104) is to raise general consumer awareness and provide training in consumer affairs, with a particular emphasis on consumer protection. After finishing this IGNOU CCP Project (CPIP-104), learners can become consumer advocates and work in industries, non-governmental organisations, and government departments that deal with consumer issues. They may file and argue their own complaints in Consumer Redressal Forums established pursuant to the 1986 Consumer Protection Act.

Guidelines to carry out IGNOU CCP Synopsis (CPIP-104)

1. Keep the Following Points in Mind When Choosing a Topic

• The subject is pertinent.

• The topic’s relevance to environmental and occupational health concerns.

• Access to time that is immediately available to you.

• Possibility of collecting data for a specified time period.

• The inherent difficulties associated with data collecting and strategies for overcoming them.

• Costs associated with data acquisition.

• Communication capabilities and a working knowledge of the local language are essential.

The title, introduction, objectives, problem statement, research methodology (including the location, sample size, equipment, and statistical techniques to be employed), limitations, if any, and references should all be included explicitly in an IGNOU CPIP-104 Project Proposal.

2. Seek assistance from your supervisor in narrowing down the subject.

The following individuals are qualified to supervise the IGNOU CCP project:

a. Members of the faculty based at the headquarters.

b. Academic Counselors who possess a postgraduate qualification in environmental and occupational health as well as related experience.

c. Educators/Researchers with a focus on sustainability.

d. A doctoral degree in environmental science/studies, economics, sociology, anthropology, or a closely related field of study.

e. A master’s or doctoral degree in environmental science/study, economics, sociology, anthropology, or a closely related discipline, in addition to at least two years of research or teaching experience.

If the suggested supervisor is found to be unsuitable by the School of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies, the student will be informed and instructed to resubmit the request with a different supervisor. Since a result, the student must resubmit the IGNOU CCP Proposal with the new supervisor’s signature, as this will be treated as a new submission. Similarly, if a student changes supervisors for whatever reason, he or she must submit the IGNOU CCP Synopsis together with the new supervisor’s signature on a new project proposal proforma, since this would be considered a new submission.

Academic counsellors should specify which courses and for how long they are counselling students, as well as the name and code of the study centre to which they have been assigned. The University would give the project supervisor a modest salary of Rs.300/- for counselling the student (the payment may be revised from time to time).

Supervisory Responsibilities

• To provide direction on how to choose a topic that is narrowly focused.

• To encourage students to read books, newspapers, and magazines; and to meet with experts in their professions in order to obtain information about a range of interesting topics.

• To offer information on the conditions that permit the collection of empirical data for the project (if necessary).

• To educate readers about significant publications.

• To regularly inspire students and to assist them as required.

• Encourage students to work independently and methodically, without emulating or reproducing others.

• Authorize them to collect data for their research by providing them with a letter of authorization (the authorisation letter may also be granted by the relevant study center/regional centre).

3. Submission and Approval of an IGNOU CPIP-104 Project Synopsis

Students should send the Project Proposal Proforma, one copy of the Project Proposal signed by the supervisor, and the supervisor’s bio-data to the Coordinator (CCP), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 for approval. Students enrolled to the January session are required to submit their IGNOU CCP Synopsis by 30th April; those admitted to the July session are urged to submit their projects by 31st October to ensure timely approval and completion of the programme.

Students who miss these deadlines may submit an IGNOU CCP Project Proposal at any point throughout the academic year for approval.

4. Approval Communication

Within six weeks of the proposal’s submission at the School, the student will get formal notification through email and regular mail regarding the project’s approval or rejection.

5. Resubmission Request for IGNOU CPIP-104 Project Synopsis

If the student’s IGNOU CPIP-104 Synopsis is rejected, he or she will receive feedback/suggestions on how to enhance the project. In this situation, the changed project proposal should be provided along with the revised project proposal proforma, a copy of the rejected project proposal, and the project proposal proforma that includes the evaluator’s recommendations and the assigned P.P. No (CPIP-104)

  • 1. Ideation

The report should be around 40 to 50 double-spaced written pages in length, with a word count of no more than 10,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits). However, a variance of 10% on either side is permissible.

Each project report must have the following sections: Title, Introduction, Objectives, Problem Statement, Research Methodology (which should include the location, sample size, instruments, and statistical techniques to be used), Results and Discussion, Summary, and any constraints.

Additionally, the report for the IGNOU CCP Project should include the following:

a) A copy of the approved project proposal and the proforma for the project proposal.

b) A certificate of authenticity signed by both the student and supervisor.

  • 2. Submission of the IGNOU CCP Project Report

The IGNOU CCP report should be submitted as a single typed copy to IGNOU’s Registrar (Students Evaluation Division), Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. Once the IGNOU CCP Report is submitted, you will be issued a P.R. No., which will be sent to the student. The student should refer to this P.R.No. while engaging with the Students Evaluation Division on the Project Report.

A project report may be filed at any point during the year. If a Project Report is submitted between December 1 and May 31, the result will be revealed concurrently with the June term-end exams. If a project report is submitted between June 1 and November 30, the outcome will be disclosed at the December term-end exams.

Suggestions for IGNOU CCP Project Topics

To aid you in deciding on a topic for your Project Work, we’ve offered a list of potential topics below. This is not to mean you must adhere to these topics. These are only some topics to pique your curiosity and aid you in refining your search for a topic of interest.

  • Use of Mobile Phones by Teenagers: A Study in a small suburb in West Bengal.
  • The Impact of Television Advertising on Colleges Students/ Teenage Student Students studying
  • In Village.
  • Consumer behavior in different income group.
  • Awareness of Consumers about Malpractices by the Sellers.
  • A Survey in your Locality to Find Out how many of the residents are aware of the Consumer
  • Rights recognized under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
  • A Study on the Habit Pattern of Verification of Expiry Date by Buyer while Buying Medicine.
  • Role of Newspaper in Increasing Consumerism through its Advertisement.

To download the IGNOU CCP Project & IGNOU CCP Synopsis Sample PDFs, you must click on the following link;

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