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Guidelines for IGNOU PGDCJ Project (MLEP-17)

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IGNOU PGDCJ Project work is a large piece of investigation material including the pursuit of systematic processes using legal and social research methodologies. IGNOU PGDCJ Project Report must include all of the principles of legal research as well as the methodologies utilised to conduct an acceptable and viable investigation.

It is critical for a legal researcher to be familiar not only with legal research methodologies, but also with other allied disciplines such as sociology, political science, economics, psychology, education, and so on, or any branch of knowledge that requires a study of people, society, or culture in order to understand the applicability and practicality of the IGNOU PGDCJ Project topic.

What is an IGNOU PGDCJ Project (MLEP-17)?

IGNOU PGDCJ Project is described as the process of discovering and obtaining information needed to solve a legal challenge. The goal of IGNOU PGDCJ Project is to find “authority” to assist legal decision-making.

IGNOU PGDCJ Project, in its broadest meaning, will cover each stage of a course of action that begins with a study of the facts of an issue and finishes with the application and transmission of the investigation’s findings. However, depending on the legal system in question, the approach to doing the study may differ. Though there are no hard and fast rules to follow when conducting an IGNOU PGDCJ Project, there is a basic framework that researchers should typically follow.

Format of IGNOU PGDCJ Synopsis

a) The Title

Make the title as specific and informative as feasible. In the title, convey the primary concept of the proejct. However, it is advised that you keep your title short and to the point. The project title may be provisional and susceptible to change at the time of drafting an IGNOU PGDCJ Synopsis.

b) Background

You must give a broad framework of the study topic in a short manner.

c) Study Definition, Rationale, and Scope

You should clearly describe the topic to which your research is relevant and explain the rationale for your investigation. You must explicitly identify the scope of your investigation. In this part, you must explicitly state the goals of your research.

d) A Literature Review

Conducting a literature review is one of the most crucial tasks in producing an IGNOU PGDCJ Synopsis. You must perform a review of the literature that you will explore over the course of your research based on the scope and aim of your study. The literature should be organised thematically rather than as a list of summaries of significant references. You must arrange the literature review in such a way that it highlights the topics related to your PGDCJ Project and identifies any gaps. Try to shift your focus from more broad worries to problems particular to your problem. The hypothesis (or hypotheses) for your study should be presented at the end of your literature review.

f) Research Question and Hypothesis

You must give a clear explanation of your research problem, followed by a concise and compelling statement that forms the hypothesis. You may have several hypotheses.

g) Research Methods

In this part, you must describe the research procedure. Whatever metrics and techniques you want to utilise in your study must be explicitly stated, as well as the samples used, if any. You must also identify the data and information sources used in the study.

g) Proposed Chapters

You must include a list of possible chapter headers as well as a brief summary of the content of each chapter (no more than one paragraph). The first and last chapters shall be titled Introduction and Expected Conclusion. The last chapter should succinctly describe the conclusion you plan to draw from your research, as well as why you expect to reach that conclusion.

h) Bibliography

All sources that may be relevant to your study should be presented in the same format as citations.

Guidelines for Drafting an IGNOU PGDCJ Project Report (MLEP-17)

There are several processes involved in the creation of the IGNOU PGDCJ Project Report.

1) Create a First Draft

Create a compelling thesis statement and introduction paragraph. Continue with your subtopics. Complete the chapterisation and correctly organise your preliminary chapters. On the first try, your paper may not flow smoothly. Re-read it and re-arrange paragraphs, add paragraphs, and delete stuff that doesn’t appear to belong. Continue to revise and rewrite until you’re satisfied.

Although you will never have the sense that you have completed your note-taking to your satisfaction and that you could do a far better job, you must decide where to restrict your study.

a) Double-check your hypothesis to ensure that it explains as precisely as possible in a single declarative statement what the information you have gathered adds up to.

b) Double-check the integrity of your paper outline.

c) Do not start with your introduction. Wait till your paper is finished and you can see what you’re introducing before writing that. Begin by writing down as soon as feasible the general information you want to convey regarding your primary topics and their subdivisions. Save the joy of perfecting your style for later; first, write down your thoughts so you can think about them.

d) The entire thesis statement should appear early in the work so that your reader knows where you are headed. Topic sentences are often found at the beginning of paragraphs and are expanded upon by providing examples, descriptions, and facts and statistics gleaned from your study. Make certain that any cited or paraphrased information is thoroughly examined so that the reader understands how and why you are using the specific material to make your argument.

f) Try to utilise direct quotations as little as possible in your work. Use them only when there is no other way to express the content and when the author’s precise words must be utilised to illustrate your point. Copy the quotations very carefully, using the original’s punctuation and phrasing. Check to see if you are not simply “stringing quotes” together without enough of your own wording; if you have introduced each quoted passage with an appropriate transition; and if you have analysed your source material to make it work for you in your paper by showing your reader specifically how it applied to your argument. Don’t merely reference a quote and go. You’ve just mentioned that something was spoken; now respond to the inquiry, “So what?” Why are you telling your reader this?

f) Create each part of your outline as though it were a distinct essay for the time being. You can’t expect to write five essays in one day, and you can’t expect to work on more than one portion of a lengthier article at a time.

2) Composing an Introduction

You may create an introduction part now that you know what the entire thesis topic is about. Here are some guidelines to follow:

– emphasise the importance or timeliness of your research; – define an abstract or special term used in your thesis; – explain why you have chosen this specific aspect of your topic; – inform your reader of the various aspects of your topic other than the one you have chosen; – provide a pertinent anecdote that provides a direct means of leading into your topic; – summarise how you have approached your topic.

Whatever technique you use, your introduction should be relevant; it should capture your reader’s attention right away and should help to explain your argument in some manner.

3) Composing the Conclusion and Making Recommendations

Your study is reflected in the project’s conclusion. It is the most valuable component. All of the information you have gathered will be meaningless to the reader unless the conclusion is correctly conveyed. Restate your argument and demonstrate how the material you’ve presented adds up. Analyze and analyse your major ideas again in brief, taking into account the ramifications and broad implications for your conclusion. The conclusion is often the sole “original” contribution of the researcher, thus it must be prepared with extreme care. It demonstrates the worth of your study as well as your comprehension of the subject given. It should be a succinct summary of your main points.

It is important to remember that the outcome of your study may differ significantly from your hypothesis. It may completely refute your notion. This is very normal. You can also incorporate your ideas for improvement or modification in the topics discussed in the paper, depending on the topic of your study. However, keep in mind that your recommendations must always be consistent with the conclusion you have reached. Your suggestions and comments may stand alone after the conclusion or may be incorporated into the conclusion language itself (this would depend upon the topic of your research).

4) Double-check your work.

Proofreading is also a crucial component of the report because it displays your dedication to the study. Make certain that there are no spelling, grammatical, or typographical problems in the paper. Also, double-check your bibliography to ensure that you’ve listed every source. Finally, double-check the original instructions from your teacher to ensure that you are adhering to any provided preferences, such as title page guidelines and page number placement.

Link to Download IGNOU PGDCJ Project Synopsis Pdf and IGNOU PGDCJ Project Report Pdf?

To download the Project & Synopsis Sample PDFs, you must click on the following link;


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