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IGNOU MPSE 10 Project – Guidelines & Writing Tips

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IGNOU MPSE 10 Project

Need of IGNOU MPSE 10 Project in MPS Course

IGNOU MPSE 10 Project is an independent research project worth 8 credit of IGNOU MPS Course work.  At the master’s level, students are expected to gain the tools, abilities, and information necessary to teach, conduct research, and function as professional social scientists. MPSE-010, the Political Science dissertation project, tries to partially satisfy this requirement.

The Masters dissertation is primarily a survey of the scholarly literature on a topic chosen by the student and pertinent to his or her area of speciality. However, it does not have to be limited to a review of the literature. Students who have a firm grounding in the necessary procedures may opt for a dissertation that involves primary research, such as surveys, interviews, or fieldwork.

The IGNOU MPSE 10 Project procedure begins with topic selection and concludes with the submission of a well-structured document of about 20,000 words (with bibliographic references) demonstrating completion of the following tasks:

Choosing a research topic; reading relevant literature; developing a dissertation proposal; collecting and evaluating data; analyzing and interpreting the findings in relation to the study’s primary objectives; and presenting the work in an extended and coherent manner.

The tasks associated with your IGNOU MPSE 10 Project are quite similar to those associated with doctoral research. However, resources and time are restricted at the Master’s level. As a result, your dissertation is not expected to provide a significant original addition to the field of inquiry. It must, however, demonstrate that you are capable of independently conceiving, designing, and carrying out a systematic and prolonged work in study and writing that meets the academic criteria of Political Science.

Due to the fact that the IGNOU MPSE 10 Project is a significantly larger research and writing assignment than anything you may have experienced during your undergraduate studies, the IGNOU MPSE 10 Project will be guided by an Academic Supervisor recognized by the University.

Academic supervisors for dissertations are recognized for all Academic Counsellors of the MPS program at the Study Centres and members of the Political Science faculty at the University headquarters. Additionally, you may approach any University/College professor with a doctorate in Political Science to supervise your IGNOU MPS project. If you wish to select an academic supervisor from among university/college faculty members, submit a brief bio-data about him/her together with the dissertation proposal to the Dissertation Coordinator in New Delhi for clearance.

Guidelines and Writing Tips for preparation of IGNOU MPSE 10 Project Proposal/Synopsis

The proposal is the initial step in completing your mpse 10 project. The proposal communicates to the Faculty Committee that you have a firm grasp of the subject you wish to examine and the required skills to conduct the research.

The following five sections and a working title should be included in your IGNOU MPS project proposal:

(i) The Research Problem’s Statement

Many students feel that the aim of a research assignment is to summarize the books and papers they’ve studied. A dissertation, on the other hand, is not an article in which the author informs the reader about the subject. It is designed to assist you in resolving a query or examining an issue pertaining to the subject you are studying.

In this section, express succinctly and precisely what the dissertation is about. Why are you carrying out this task? (What is your objective?) Which issue or collection of issues do you wish to investigate? What questions are you going to ask?

Clearly stating the research topic assists you in organizing your project and determining what information is important for comprehending the logic of your argument (and hence relevant for inclusion) and what information is not.

When writing this section, define crucial words succinctly. Particular care should be taken to clarify explicitly everyday terminology or concepts (e.g., “nationalistic,” “democratic,” and “self-government”) so that the reader understands exactly what you mean when you use them.

(ii) Literature Review

Reading and evaluating pertinent materials (books, research journals, project reports, and dissertations, for example) assists in familiarizing oneself with current knowledge in the field of study. It familiarizes you with the research methodology, methods, and approaches that have been shown to be effective and promising in prior research initiatives. Additionally, you will learn about prior scholars’ recommendations for additional research.

This part should demonstrate that you are familiar with previous research in the field and how your proposed research fits into that body of work. Briefly summarize the material you’ve read and the author(s)’ primary findings in regard to your research topic. You should explain how these works are important to your topic and how they are comparable to and/or dissimilar to your own research.

Make an attempt to evaluate both primary and secondary sources in the library. Primary Sources are a writer’s original works/words—novel, speech, eyewitness account, letter, autobiography, or interview—as well as the findings of original study. They contain legislative texts, parliamentary records, speeches or declarations, and papers from political parties or interest groups, among others. Secondary Sources are scholarly works that discuss primary sources and the authors who provide primary information. These include analyses and interpretations contained in editorials, monographs, essays, and other explanatory and interpretive writings.

While consulting original sources is time consuming, it is a worthwhile endeavor. Primary sources are an excellent source of information about both the research methodology and the actual data. Secondary sources frequently aggregate and summarize the results of other people’s work and provide interpretations of those results. The downside of such sources is that they rely on someone else’s assessment of the study’s critical and noteworthy parts. Contrast the secondary accounts’ views not only with one another, but also with your own understanding of the primary sources.

(iii) A summary of the research plan and methods to be used

This section should persuade the Faculty Committee that your research will successfully address the questions it is designed to address within the time frame specified. Political Science employs a variety of research tools and procedures.

Political science research can be broadly classified into the following five categories:

  • Detailed description (fact finding)
  • Investigate (looking for patterns)
  • Analyze (explaining why or how)
  • Forecasting (forecasting the likelihood of particular events)
  • Solving Issues (improvement of current practice)

In actuality, there is a fair amount of overlap. While a descriptive research study may also examine or explain, an analytical research project may do the same. It is critical to notice that each category is frequently related with a certain research issue.

Begin this part by defining the nature of the research (descriptive? analytical? a hybrid of the two? exploratory in nature?). Following that, briefly describe the data sources (primary and secondary) that you want to use, including any specific methodology that you intend to employ (survey, content analysis etc.).

Justify your study’s restrictions—the time period, location, and case studies—as well as the limitations of your sources—for example, newspapers and legislative records, but no access to records of internal party deliberations.

Additionally, this part should contain a basic description of the dates and amount of time allocated to various aspects of the MPS dissertation study.

(iv) A Table of Contents for Each Chapter

Your dissertation will contain at least three chapters, with the Introduction and Conclusion serving as the first and concluding chapters, respectively. The middle chapter (s) summarize your major points and findings. Limit the number of middle chapters to two or a maximum of three.

Give each of these chapters a provisional title and a brief, two-sentence description.

(v) A Bibliography of Sources

Include any books that are pertinent to the proposed study, as well as any literature that you have already surveyed in preparation for the IGNOU MPS Synopsis.

(vi) A Proposed Title

The dissertation topic is distinct from the dissertation title. The topic refers to the dissertation’s content and the issues highlighted in the text, whereas the title’s objective is to accurately and succinctly define the dissertation’s structure and organization.

The title of the MPS project proposal should be succinct and accurate; it should include important terms that immediately convey the scope and nature of the project. Avoid confusing or conhsing language. Divide your title, if necessary, into a title and a subtitle. Early in the process, work on your title and return it frequently. Titles should be typed completely in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Guidelines and Writing Tips for preparation of IGNOU MPSE 10 Project Report

Format of the IGNOU MPS Project

The length of the IGNOU MPS Project should be around 20,000 words (including the title page, acknowledgements, and bibliographic references). Essential statistical and documentary appendices such as questionnaires, surveys, interview schedules, or other data gathering items may be included, but should be kept to a bare minimum.

  • On A4 size paper, dissertations should be typed or word processed.
  • Except for bibliographic references, all content in the main body of the dissertation should be 1.5-line spaced and printed on one side of the paper with one-inch margins.
  • Pages should be progressively numbered at the bottom-centre.
  • Spiral-bind the final dissertation and the approved dissertation proposal between light plastic sheets.

The dissertation’s material should be organized as follows:

1) The dissertation’s cover page should include the title of the dissertation, the student’s name and enrollment number, the academic supervisor’s name, the degree program for which the dissertation was created, the university’s name, and the month and year of submission.

2) The title page should include the same information as the cover page, as well as the following statement: “This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Political Science offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University,” followed by the submission date (month and year).

3) A certificate from the Academic Supervisor attesting that the candidate’s dissertation is his/her own work and that it be presented to the examiner.

4) The Table of Contents should list the chapters of the dissertation, with sections where appropriate, and their respective page numbers, as well as the page numbers for bibliographic references and any figures, tables, or maps.

5) Acknowledgements: You may wish to express gratitude for any assistance received throughout the dissertation’s preparation.

6) The main text is made up of chapters (often three or four, including the Introduction and Conclusion), bibliographic references, and, if applicable, appendices. Each chapter, bibliographic reference, and appendix should begin on a separate page; sections inside primary headings may remain on the same page. The dissertation’s primary text should be sequentially numbered. Bibliographic references should include a list of all books cited in the chapters and other significant sources consulted throughout the dissertation’s production.

7) At the conclusion of the dissertation, the Faculty Committee must approve the Dissertation Proposal.

Writing Tips to Maximize Your IGNOU MPSE 10 Project Report

The dissertation’s presentation should be logical and succinct, utilizing plain, everyday language and sentence structure. The language should be formal and unambiguous, free of colloquialisms or slang. I, we, you, my, our, and us should not be used as personal pronouns. Their use should be avoided in favor of the terms’researcher’ or ‘investigator’. Abbreviations should be avoided in the dissertation’s primary text, except for those that are commonly understood, such as M.A., IQ, and so on.

Except in statistical discussions, where they are commonly used, numerals less than three figures, round numbers, and numbers that begin sentences should always be spelled explicitly. Additionally, fractions are specified. For decimals and percentages, figures are used, but the term ‘percent’ is written out, e.g. 25%.

Graphics and tables can help clarify complex concepts in your dissertation by introducing a visual element. They should be used sparingly unless they are clearly related to your dissertation and aid the reader in comprehending your views. Never substitute an image or table for text. If you do use a graphic or table that is not your own, you must credit the creator as you would with any other quote.

The writing process frequently takes longer than most people believe. Therefore, do not wait until the final few weeks before the submission deadline to begin writing; instead, begin as soon as feasible.

It is not required to begin writing with the first chapter. You may begin writing at any location other than word one in the middle of a chapter. Begin with your strongest evidence and most succinct ideas.

Create an outline of the contents of each chapter of your dissertation. This will aid in the planning and organization of the writing process. Additionally, it will enable you to estimate the length of each chapter, which sections require additional work, and which content should go where.

Utilize headers and subheadings to break up lengthy sections of material. The more cues the reader is provided, the easier it will be to navigate and comprehend the dissertation.

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