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Format of IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis (MDVP-117)

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IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis (MDVP-117)

IGNOU MADVS Project work will help you to develop your ability to choose a topic, develop an IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis, develop methods for data collection, gather data, and generate information for an IGNOU MADVS report on a certain issue. Diverse techniques are used for various projects. However, you are encouraged to utilise the case study or survey technique in MDVP-117. The MDV-106 teaches you about project development, monitoring and evaluation, measurement and sampling, as well as data gathering and analysis.

Format of IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis (MDVP-117)

The format of IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis (MDVP-117) should include the following:

1) Select a Topic by Considering the Following Points

  • Appropriateness of the subject.
  • The topic’s relevance to development studies.
  • You have time on your hands.
  • Possibility of collecting data during the specified time frame.
  • The difficulties inherent in data collecting and how to overcome them.
  • Costs associated with data collecting.
  • Communication facilities and a working knowledge of the local language.

The Title, Introduction, Objectives, Problem Statement, Research Methodology (including location, sample, data collecting devices, and statistical techniques to be utilised), Limitations, if any, and References should all be clearly stated in the IGNOU MADVS Project Proposal.

2. Appoint a supervisor and consult with him or her for guidance in finalising the topic

a) Academic Counsellors of Master of Arts (Development Studies) (MADVS) with appropriate experience from Study Centres are qualified to supervise projects.

b) Teachers / Researchers / Development Professionals in Development Studies or allied fields such as Extension Education, Social Work, Economics, Sociology, Public Administration, Political Science, or Rural Development (PhD preferable; M.Phil / Masters with five years experience acceptable).

c) Headquarters faculty (School of Extension and Development Studies).

If the suggested supervisor is not acceptable to the School of Extension and Development Studies, the student will be notified, and the student should resubmit the request with a different supervisor. Since a result, the student must resubmit the IGNOU MADVS Synopsis with the new supervisor’s signature, as it would be deemed a new proposal. Similarly, if a student wishes to change supervisors for whatever reason, he or she must submit the project proposal together with the new supervisor’s signature on a new project proposal proforma, since this would be treated as a new submission.

Academic counsellors should explicitly state which courses they are counselling and since when, as well as the name and code of the study centre to which they are affiliated. The University would compensate the project supervisor with a nominal stipend of Rs.300/- for helping the student (University may revise the honorarium from time to time).

Supervisory Responsibilities

  • To assist in the selection of a concentrated topic.
  • To encourage students to read/refer to books/journals/newspapers/magazines; and to speak with professionals in the field to learn about various issues of interest.
  • To offer information on the circumstances in which the empirical data for the project can be obtained (if necessary).
  • To provide information regarding pertinent publications.
  • To periodically inspire students and to assist them as necessary.
  • Encourage students to work independently, not to duplicate or replicate, and to work in a methodical manner.
  • Provide a letter of authorization allowing/assisting students in collecting data for research (the authorisation letter may also be provided by the relevant study center/regional centre).

3. Submission and Approval of IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis (MDVP-117)

After selecting a supervisor and settling on a topic, students should submit (a) A completed and signed Project Proposal Proforma (b) One copy of the typed IGNOU MADVS Synopsis (4 to 5 pages) and (c) the supervisor’s bio-data (2 pages with complete contact information, email, mobile number, academic background, and work experience, etc) to:

Project Coordinator (MADVS)

School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)

Block 15-F

IGNOU Maidan Garhi

New Delhi-110068

Please label the envelope ‘Project Proposal-MDVP-117’ in the upper right hand corner.

It is recommended that students maintain a copy of the synopsis. Students enrolled to the January session are recommended to submit their project proposals by 30th April, and those admitted to the July session by 31st October to ensure timely approval, submission of the project report, review of the project report, and completion of the course. However, students who miss these dates may submit project ideas for approval at any time during the year, resulting in a delay in the completion of the programme.

4. Approval Communication

Within four weeks of the School receiving the proposal, the student will get a formal communication regarding the approval/rejection of the project by e-mail and regular mail.

5. Request for Resubmission of the IGNOU MADVS Project Proposal (MDVP-117)

If the IGNOU MADVS Synopsis is not approved, the student will be notified of the comments/suggestions for rewriting the project. In this situation, the updated project proposal should be provided along with the revised project proposal proforma and a copy of the rejected project proposal, along with the project proposal proforma that includes the evaluator’s remarks and the P.P. No. (Project Proposal Number) assigned.

Format of IGNOU MADVS Project Report (MDVP-117)

The report should be organised as follows.

Title: The title page of the report should include the course code MDVP-117, the title of the project, the student’s name, the student’s enrolment number, the student’s address, the school’s name, and the year.

Proforma for Approved IGNOU MADVS Synopsis (as second page).

Certificate of Authenticity: Signed by both the student and the supervisor.

Acknowledgements, if any:

Table of Contents:

Introduction: This section will define the issue. It should be able to convey to the reader what the topic is about, how it came to be, and what motivated the researcher to pursue it. The introduction must include the research’s aims and justification.

Review of Literature: A review of literature is a collection of previously published works by scholars in the form of books, journals, and articles. It aids in the generation of ideas and the formulation of pertinent research topics.

Methodology: The methodology section discusses the sample, tests/tools, and statistical analysis. The sample size and composition will vary according on the topic chosen. Tests/tools should be chosen in accordance with the study goals. Data acquired via tests/tools are then evaluated using relevant statistical techniques.

Result and Discussion: The outcomes of the research are presented in tabular and graphical form following statistical analysis of the data. These are then examined in light of previously conducted research. Additionally, the findings’ implications are explored.

Conclusion: The student must finish the study findings under this subject.

Constraints and limitations: This section discusses the research’s constraints and limitations.

Additional Work Suggestions: If necessary, the learner might provide recommendations for more research in the particular area based on the research findings.

Bibliography (APA style): References must be formatted in the APA style. These should be listed alphabetically.

Sample Topics List for IGNOU MADVS Project Synopsis

  • Women in Agriculture – A Critical Analysis (Women in Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Fisheries, and Sericulture, among other fields)
  • Policy for Agri-Produce Procurement and Its Effect on Farmer Income
  • Farmers’ Attitudes Toward Crop Insurance
  • Perceptions of Farmers Regarding Extension Advisory Services
  • The Effect of Feminization on Agriculture’s Productivity
  • Crop Diversification’s Effect on Farmer Income
  • Millets’ Contribution to Nutritional Security
  • The Effect of the 2016 Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act on Farmer Income Factors Influencing Farmers’ Adaptability to Climate Change
  • Assessing Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change
  • Identifying the Critical Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues Affecting Indian Exports (Students may choose any item).
  • Aspects of Agricultural Labor Migration
  • Evaluation of a City’s / Town’s Public Transportation System (Metro / Bus / Local Train)
  • MGNAREGA Evaluation
  • Contract Farming Evaluation
  • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Evaluation
  • Assessment of the ICDS Program
  • User satisfaction with urban services (transportation, housing, sanitation, banking, and education, for example).
  • A case study of a city’s or town’s master plan.
  • A Case Study of a Nagar Panchayat / Municipality in the City
  • Case Study of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission’s (JNNURM) Work (Urban Transport, Urban Housing, and Urban Water Distribution are all examples).
  • Health Survey of Women and Children in Urban Slums
  • Privatization of Public Sector Services.
  • The Mid-day Meal Scheme’s operation.
  • Justifications for Urban Migration.
  • Urban Migrant Laborers’ Socioeconomic Conditions. Solid Waste Management System – A Case Study (of any city / municipality).
  • An Urban e-Government Case Study in a City / Town.
  • Urban Solid Waste Management Planning with GIS Integration – A Case Study of Vadodara The Impact of Urbanisation on Rivers: A Case Study of the Yamuna
  • Evaluation of the Public Transportation System with a Special Focus on the Delhi Metro in Relation to Other Modes of Mass Rapid Transit
  • Urban Solid Waste Management System Issues and Challenges
  • Rapid Growth of Delhi’s Air Pollution: A Case Study
  • A Case Study of Hyderabad’s Urban E-Government
  • Farmers Training Program Evaluation Community Needs Assessment (on any Development Issue)
  • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Evaluation in Himachal Pradesh
  • The impact of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan on the state of Karnataka’s efforts to achieve universal elementary education
  • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’s Impact on Girls Education in Punjab
  • Delhi Metro (Or Any Other Development Program / Project) SWOT Analysis

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